Posted on Aug 21, 2023
1600 lbs of Canada Grade AAA beef slow roasted on a rotisserie, over a bed of alder, garnished with 275 lbs of fried onions, produced over 2600 beef-in-a-bun sandwiches which Squamish Rotary members and friends served on August 5th & 6th 2023 at the Rotary Beef BBQ 2023 as part of the Squamish Days Loggers Sports Festival. -- photos by Brian Finley
Since 1966 Squamish Rotary has produced this BBQ signature event as part of the 66-year-old Squamish Days Loggers Sports Festival. 
The Festival is a four-day event over the BC Day Long Weekend at Al McIntosh Loggers Sports Grounds. The festival features a variety of events, including a parade, loggers sports shows and competitions, and a weekend festival of family events. Long time leader of the Squamish Days Loggers Sports Association, logger then carpenter, Al McIntosh, namesake of the sports stadium, attended the event, but died a week later at age 92.