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The Rotary Foundation provides special recognition to Rotarians and friends of Rotary who contribute $250,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation by inducting them into the Arch C. Klumph Society. Members may have their portraits displayed in the Arch C. Klumph Gallery at Rotary International’s World Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA. Donors receive a certificate signed by the President of Rotary International and the Chairman of The Rotary Foundation, and they are invited to a special event at annual RI conventions. The society is named in honour of The Rotary Foundation’s founder, Arch C. Klumph.
Arch C. Klumph Society Members are among The Rotary Foundation’s top leaders and innovators. Members believe in the work of The Rotary Foundation and have made supporting peace, education, and humanitarian assistance part of their personal mission. They are key supporters of the Foundation, and their involvement is vital to its work.
Arch C. Klumph Society members support The Rotary Foundation for a variety of reasons. With their help, the Foundation is fulfilling Rotary’s promise of creating a polio-free world. Children and families are living healthier lives through the Foundation’s Humanitarian Grants Program. Educational and cultural exchange programs are helping young people build lasting friendships and mutual understanding with their peers around the world. Member support enables tomorrow’s leaders to live and study together as Rotary World Peace Fellows and provides them the opportunity to begin building a more peaceful world.
Download - Arch C. Klumph Society brochure
For information on Arch C. Klumph Society membership please contact the Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator or contact Carolyn Seabrook-Ferguson, Major Gift Officer for The Rotary Foundation, (847) 859-7540.
Penny and Chris Offer
Rotary Club of Ladner
Joined as members 2011
Penny is from Manitoba and has lived in Ontario, New Brunswick, Alberta and BC. Her professional background is as a social worker and in health care administration. She worked managing brain injury and spinal cord rehabilitation programs. Penny is a graduate of the University of Manitoba and Carleton University. She served as governor of District 5040 in 2010-2011.
Chris is from BC. He was a police officer for 31 years. His early career was with the RCMP and for 27 years with the Vancouver Police Department in a variety of senior command positions. Chris is a graduate of Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria and Carleton University. He was District Governor in 1999-2000 and has served on a variety of Rotary International, Rotary Foundation and Zone committees and in regional coordinator positions.
Penny and Chris are both Rotary Foundation alumni. Chris has served as a GSE team member and team leader. Chris and Penny were Rotary Foundation volunteers in the Philippines delivering humanitarian aid. They have also traveled to China as non medical volunteers on a Rotaplast mission. Most recently Chris represented Rotary as a member of a polio surveillance team in South Sudan.
Penny and Chris feel strongly that Rotary can contribute significantly to world peace and understanding and have established an endowment fund to support the Rotary Peace Centers and Rotary peace initiatives.
David and Lis Ker
Rotary Club of Vancouver South
Inducted as members 2000
Dave Ker was born in Victoria, British Columbia, and studied economics at the University of British Columbia before earning an MBA at the University of Western Ontario in 1950. He began his career as a public clerk, then worked as an accounting executive for CP Airlines from 1956 to 1975. From 1975 to 1980 with a partner he formed and operated Balker Softwoods, an export lumber firm. From 1976 to 1987, Dave worked as a public accounting practitioner. He is now retired.
Dave became a Rotarian in 1977 as a member of the Rotary Club of Vancouver South. He served as club president in 1987-88 and as governor of District 5040 in 1996-97. Dave has been an enthusiastic supporter of efforts to extend Rotary in Siberia and eastern Russia. He served as a special representative from District 5040 to help charter clubs in Novosibirsk in 1995 and Barnaul in 1997.
David and Liz established an endowment fund with The Rotary Foundation for Russian students to attend the BC Institute of Technology.
Lis, who is Danish, served from 1996 to 2001 as chair of a District 5040 program that hosted Russian Rotarians and their spouses who traveled to Canada to learn about Rotary in the West. The Kers have endowed an Ambassadorial Scholarship for students from Siberia to study business in the British Columbia.
Dave and Lis have two sons.
Charles (deceased) and Carol Loh
Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown
Inducted as members 1997
Charles Loh was born in Shanghai, China, and lived in Taiwan and Hong Kong before moving to Vancouver. In 1974, he founded Lohs Enterprises, a holding company, and began investing in real estate in 1992.
Charles became a Rotarian in 1960 as a member of the Rotary Club of Taipei North, Taiwan. He also belonged to the Rotary clubs of Hong Kong, Vancouver South, and Vancouver before becoming charter president of the Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown in 1981-82. He was governor of District 5040 in 1992-93 and has also served at the district level as chair of the Rotary Fellowship Committee. He served as RI presidential representative in Indonesia.
The Lohs are avid supporters of the educational programs of The Rotary Foundation. They have given generously to support Ambassadorial Scholarships, including three endowed scholarships. They also support Langara College and the University of British Columbia, the alma mater of all three of their sons.
Charles is a member of the board of directors of the BC Rehab Foundation, which assists people with disabilities. Carol paints Chinese watercolors, which she donates to Rotary fundraising events.