PDG Arthur C (Art) Gambrel
District Governor 1991-1992
Art Gambrel

Art was born in Muskegon, Michigan, U.S.A. and at an early age he and his parents moved to Winnipeg where he received his education and spent his early years where he met and married Shirley and they had two sons, both residing in Vancouver.
Art's Service Club activities started in Winnipeg and before moving to Calgary in 1963 he was the Vice-President of the Winnipeg Downtown Lions Club. In Calgary he became a member of the Calgary Rotary Club and was a member of that Club from 1967 to 1973. Other Organizations he was involved in while in Calgary were - President of the "Sales and Marketing Executives of Calgary", Director of "The Ad and Sales Bureau of Alberta", Director of " The Calgary Tourist, Convention Bureau" and a member of the "Calgary Stampede".
Art and his family moved to Vancouver in 1973 and he was out of Rotary until he became a Member of the Burnaby Kingsway Rotary Club in 1978 and was President of that Club in 1983-84. He has been active in District 5040 Committees since that time, such as District Conference Co-Chairman for P.D.G. Mel Spowart, Session Leader at P.E.T.S. four times and was the 1988-89 District Governors Representative for Group "A" of that District. He is a Paul Harris Fellow and a Paul Harris Sustaining Fellow.
- Three (3) new Rotary clubs were chartered: William: Lake Daybreak; Vancouver Quadra and Tsawwassen (Delta).
- Two (2) new provisional Rotary clubs where activated: New Westminster Royal City and Fort St.. James.
- The Goal of 2089 Membership for the District was more than accomplished.
- The Rotary Foundation Dinners increased to four (4) to cover all of the Areas of our vast District. (A special thanks to Charles Loh for this achievement) .
- A very successful District Conference was held out of our District In Penticton B.C. and was a joint Conference with District 5050 to allow us to renew Old Friendships. This was decided on because the split of our District was five (5) years old and the time was right as if we waited any longer it would have been too late.
Shirley and Art have commented on the busy year it was as District Governor but the rewarding aspect of the Year was the many friends that where made and if there was payment coming for serving as District Governor that was the payment. "ROTARIANS ARE LOVELY PEOPLE"and make the year as District Governor a very very memorable one.