DG Kevin's Welcome Message for 2006-2007
Kevin Conway

Almost 50 years later, another New Zealander, Rotary International President Bill Boyd, reminds us that our objective remains better Rotary and better Rotarians, as he urges all Rotarians to Lead The Way in our communities, our Rotary clubs, and our occupations.
Being a Rotary leader means putting the clubs and the Rotarians first. It means recognizing that, in Rotary, no member is ever more important than any other member. Some of us have greater responsibility, but no one has greater value. Each club member, club president, district governor, and director - each RI president - is equally a part of Rotary and equally a part of Rotary?s future.
As we commence the 2006 - 2007 Rotary year, I am conscious of the privilege and responsibility we all have as custodians of the proud 101 year history of this wonderful organization. Carol Bellamy, executive director of UNICEF put it this way: ?Rotary has won a place of respect in the global village; in fact, Rotary has helped make the world a global village.? As individual Rotarians we are charged with the responsibility of building on our Rotary heritage for the benefit of future generations of Rotarians, building up our communities for the betterment of society, educating and developing our youth who are tomorrow?s leaders, and actively promoting the advancement of international goodwill, understanding, and peace. We fulfill this responsibility through the twin pillars of Rotary: Fellowship and Service. We fulfill this responsibility by sharing Rotary with new members. We fulfill this responsibility by exercising tolerance and understanding in our businesses, professions, and communities. We fulfill this responsibility by our action directed toward the real needs of those less fortunate than us. And we fulfill this responsibility by living our creed: The Four Way Test.
Let us demonstrate leadership by tolerance and understanding, by unselfishness and integrity, and by our motto of Service Above Self. Let us focus our service initiatives on literacy which is the escape hatch from poverty, on clean water which is the birthright of every human being, on health and hunger which is the foundation of world peace, and on the family of Rotary in which we live fulfilling and productive lives.
I salute all Rotarians in District 5040, and the many new Rotarians whom you will invite to join our ranks this year.
Thank you for leading the way, and for all you do for Rotary.
Kevin and Jen Conway
District Governor 2006 - 2007
Rotary International District 5040