Thank you for a wonderful year
Kevin Conway

Your presence means so much to us tonight
In the past year we have met many to our delight
Rotarians from throughout the world and BC
Knowing that visiting each club was what was meant to be
Each day was a new adventure filled with fun and a few tears
Very many brought memories we will cherish for years
In our travels we've learned much - even know to sing
Now we look back and wonder what next year will bring
And as we remember we want to share this with you
No other year has brought as so much wonderful cheer
Doing the job we were given was tiring but fun
Just thinking of all of you and the things we have done
Every Rotarian has the opportunity to help someone each day
Not one of us should miss the opportunity to "Lead the Way"
Thank you for a wonderful year
Yours in Rotary
Kevin & Jen
Yours in Rotary
Kevin & Jen