2025 RYLA Information

RYLA South

RYLA South is a conference aimed at gathering young leaders in supportive environment to further develop and inspire growth and leadership for positive change. At RYLA we offer a combination of workshops and activities over the course of three-and-a-half days to build leadership skills and connect with emerging youth leaders from across our district. Come and find out why so many RYLArians rave about us every year!
Registration: December 14, 2024 - February 15, 2025
Registration Fee: $550 per participant (GST Included)
Participant Age: 15 (in 2025) - 18 (We cannot accept anyone aged 19 or older)
Program Dates:  March 27 - March 30, 2025
Venue: YMCA Camp Elphinstone - Gibsons, BC
Registration Information: Please download the RYLA South 2025 PDF with links to the registration form here.
For more information please contact Rotary District 5040 RYLA Chair Patricia Wu  ryla5040director@gmail.com