DG Sonia Installation
Sonia Wolowidnyk

DG Sonia was formally installed on July 11, 2005 as District Governor for 2005-2006 for District 5040 by PDG Chris Offer at her first official club visit at her own club, Rotary Club of North Vancouver.
The evening event was well attended by PDG's Chris Offer and Del Paterson; DG Nominee Dean Rohrs; AG's Randy Fowle, Nancy Nikolai, Gordon Dalglish and Penny Offer; District Committee Chairs Henry Fetigan, Sue Smith and Neil McDonald; District Secretary Bob Nowell and District Treasurer Riet Carter; and many Rotarians and spouses from the RC of North Vancouver. Rotary visitors from Australia and South Africa also attended.
In his installation of DG Sonia, PDG Chris stressed that the Governor is the only officer of Rotary International in the district. She has a variety of delegated responsibilities under the Rotary Constitution. The most important is to motivate Rotary clubs and Rotarians in the district to promote the Object of Rotary. He stressed the importance of membership growth for the district and that RI President Carl-Wilhelm has made membership growth one of his priorities.
DG Sonia then gave her first official club visit presentation. She stressed the goals of President Carl-Wilhelm for literacy and clean water. She used a bottle of murky water to demonstrate what the majority of th world's population drinks every day. Literacy, clean water, health and poverty are all related.
DG Sonia's presentation and awarding of special recognition for Service Above Self to three Rotarians in the club were well received. "Service Above Self" gloves were presented to club President Peter Taylor, District Secretary Bob Nowell and District Treasurer Riet Carter.
DG Sonia is off and running on her year as District Governor.