Having Fun During DG Official Visit in the North
Sonia Wolowidnyk

From July 19 to 26, 2005 Governor Sonia visited eight clubs (Terrace, Prince Rupert, Queen Charlotte Islands) and while in the north, had the wonderful opportunity to drive through Houston. There was no service club sign. Within a few village blocks were 30 business and professional signs, certainly enough names to begin a survey of the community for the possibility of a Rotary Club.
Through Rotarian Chuck Cey, Rotary Club of Terrace, DG Sonia had the opportunity to visit Queen Charlotte City and Masset, specifically to promote at least one and possibly two Rotary clubs. The wheel is on the move with amazing Rotarians stepping forward to spread Service Above Self.
The bonus of this trip was fishing! Thanks to Chuck Cey, Rotary Club of Terrace, DG Sonia had an opportunity to fish in the Queen Charlottes, she even managed to catch a 25 lb halibut.