Each year in Rotary Districts around the world, Rotary International Policy requires we choose a Rotarian to serve as District Governor. approx. 2.5 years from now.
It is indeed my honor, as this year's Nominating Committee Chair, to extend this invitation to you and your club to submit a nomination for the position of District Governor 2024-2025 for District 5040. Please seriously consider this request and note it is time sensitive.
It is indeed my honor, as this year's Nominating Committee Chair, to extend this invitation to you and your club to submit a nomination for the position of District Governor 2024-2025 for District 5040. Please seriously consider this request and note it is time sensitive.
More information may be found on this Role Description and Election Guidelines but please "Read more" for the official Request for Nominations and for much more information.
Darcy Long
District Governor 2018-2019
Rotary District 5040
District Governor 2018-2019
Rotary District 5040
Please note and pass on this invitation to all your club members.
The Nominating Committee in District 5040
- District Governor Elect-John Berry
- District Governor Nominee-Shirley-Pat Chamberlain
- Two immediate Past District Governors- Darcy Long and Bala Naidoo
- One Assistant Governor who is a member of a club in District 5040- Ian Grant.
District Governor nomination process
- The Manual of Procedure for Rotary International provides that a District Governor be nominated by his or her Club at a regular meeting.
- The President shall then file with the chair of the Nominating Committee a resolution naming the candidate and certifying that he or she meets the qualifications for District Governor as stated in the Manual of Procedure for Rotary International. A Sample Resolution form maybe downloaded here.
- Nominations for the position of District Governor 2024-25 are to be submitted on the appropriate forms. The Nomination Form may be downloaded here.
- They should be completed and submitted no later than midnight Sunday October 10th, 2021 to the Nominating Committee Chair at darcyrotary@outlook.com .
- Such nominations shall be accompanied by the Club resolution, a current photograph of the candidate and a resume setting out both Rotary service and personal background.
Nominees will be interviewed Saturday October 16th and the candidate announced October 18th. There is a 15 day challenge period after which if no challenges have been submitted the candidate will be confirmed.
Information Session
There will be an informal information session in September for anyone interested in knowing more about the selection process and the District Governor experience. Everyone is invited to question a panel about the commitments, responsibilities, and the rewards of leading your District. More information to come on this.
Questions regarding the nomination process should be addressed to PDG Darcy Long: darcyrotary@outlook.com or Phone 604-885-7346
Please remember that the leadership of our District is decided by you, Rotary Clubs and members of District 5040. I encourage all Club Past Presidents to consider this opportunity to serve for the rewards in personal growth and experiences is immeasurable.
Official Notice - Nomination of District Governor 2024-2025
Pursuant to Rotary International Bylaws, Section 12.030.1, I invite all clubs to submit their nominations for District Governor 2024-2025. All suggestions for District Governor must be received no later than Sunday, October 10th, 2021 and should be sent to the Nominating Committee Chair at:
The nomination for District Governor must be submitted in the form of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the club, naming the suggested candidate. The club President and Secretary shall certify the resolution. The club resolution shall be accompanied by a current photograph of the candidate and a resume setting out both Rotary service and their personal background. A club may suggest
only one of its own members as a candidate for governor-nominee.
The selection of a governor-nominee must be conducted in a dignified, responsible manner in harmony with the principles of Rotary.
Section 13.010 of the RI Bylaws provides that any candidate who becomes aware of campaigning, canvassing or electioneering for elective office in RI, must express their disapproval to those so engaged and shall instruct them to terminate such activity.
Rotary International Bylaws Article 16.020 state, “a governor at the time of taking office must have attended the International Assembly for its full duration, been a member of one or more Rotary clubs for at least seven years and must continue to possess the qualifications in section 16.010.”
Rotary International Bylaws Article 16.020 state, “a governor at the time of taking office must have attended the International Assembly for its full duration, been a member of one or more Rotary clubs for at least seven years and must continue to possess the qualifications in section 16.010.”
- (a) be a member in good standing of a functioning club in the district;
- (b) have served as club president for a full term or as charter president for at least six months;
- (c) demonstrate willingness, commitment, and ability to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a governor in section 16.030.;
- (d) demonstrate knowledge of the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of governor as prescribed in the bylaws; and
- (e) submit to RI a statement that the Rotarian understands those qualifications, duties, and responsibilities, is qualified for the office of governor, and is willing and able to assume and faithfully perform those duties and responsibilities.”
Should there be any questions on the duties, obligations and rewards of being a District Governor, please feel free to call on any Past District Governor or myself. I would be more than happy to speak with any prospective candidate personally prior to their name being suggested.
Selection of the District Governor Nominee, who would serve as District Governor during the Rotary year, 1 July 2024- 30 June 2025, is scheduled to take place on Saturday, October 16, 2021 via Zoom
This notice is being E-mailed to each individual club President and Secretary, and will also be published on the District 5040 website
Darcy Long
District Governor 2018-2019
Rotary District 5040
District Governor 2018-2019
Rotary District 5040