Posted on Dec 03, 2024
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in the past 60 days or so. The photo features RC Richmond Sunset's Winter Wonderland opening on November 30th, of 20 - 30 decorated, sponsored Christmas trees, inside and outside of Richmond City Hall, concert, reception, greetings from Mayor and Council, MLAs and MPs and carol singing to raise funds for various community causes.
Some recent achievements and activities in District 5040 clubs as reported by Assistant Governors
for October and November 2024. There is much more planning and other activity in clubs,
but these are current results, projects completed.
Network with other clubs for ideas and stay tuned for future reports.
also visit the expanding list of projects in  District 5040 Showcase
$950 raised by the club through happy and sad dollars was donated TRF.
New member was inducted.
Burnaby – Deer Lake
Club members invested 40 volunteer hours in its Boots for Kids Program and 70 hours  in the Festival of Lights fundraiser
Burnaby Metrotown
Rotary Coats for Kids provided 2,000 coats and vests to children in need at 28 Elementary Schools and four other organizations
Burns Lake
Because the club’s President is unable to complete his term club members are each taking a one month acting President term. With a PE next year will return to normal.
Proceeds from the club’s annual fundraising dinner on October 22nd, with 150 in attendance, supported TRF’s Annual Fund and PolioPlus and RYLA. 
On October 26th, the Club supported the Burnaby Hospital Foundation annual Gala.
Lions Gate
The club hosted a theatre fundraising event to benefit local projects.
The weekly Backpack Buddies has been reactivated.
Monthly Lunch and Learn for Seniors sessions continue.
Most members, with friends, family, participated September 13-15 at the Barnside Harvest Festival in vehicle parking administration as a fundraiser and hosted a Rotary information booth.
“Night at the Races” at Ladner Downs horse racetrack in Cloverdale was revived as a dinner and social event on October 4th. 
The October 5th Shred A Thon proceeds of $2,900 went to the Ladner Rotary-sponsored “pantry” for students of families in need and to the Interact Club both at Delta Secondary School and to the South Delta Food Bank.
100 Canadian flags on poles were placed for a week around Remembrance Day on the street front properties of homes and businesses in Ladner, as a fundraiser, in addition to same around Canada Day on July 1st.
The club donated $1,000 to the B.C. Women’s Health Foundation.
The club presented former President of the Delta Community Foundation Gail Martin with a Paul Harris Fellow Award for her long service in many ways to the community,
New Westminster
The club donated funds to the Purpose Society and Family Place Hampers 
Raised almost US$20,000 for Uganda Hearing Centre.
New Westminster Rotaract
Newer members volunteered with the Don’t Go Hungry Food Program.
A member volunteered with the Rotary Poppy Drive.
New Westminster – Royal City
Japanese exchange student, Shuka, is having a wonderful time in Canada with both New West clubs!  She has a wide range of interests (from archery to art) and is working on improving her English and expanding her Canadian life experiences. 
Terrace and Prince Rupert Clubs have each completed their major fundraisers for the year, raising over $40,000.00 in each case.
One Hundred Mile House
A new member was inducted.
A final rummage sale of the year raised $616 towards the club’s “Books For Babies” program.
Launched our “Starfish Pack” program, ensuring children from low-income families, who utilize the school lunch program at 100 Mile Elementary School, also have nutritious food choices over the weekends
The club donated $1,500 to the Pemberton Food Bank and made donations to PolioPlus and TRF.
It also donated $1,300 to Pemberton Valley Trail Association.
Prince George
Past Presidents of the Prince George clubs and Rotaract club organized the clubs’ annual Foundation Dinner which raised $3,850 for TRF.
The three Rotary Clubs are now back to meeting at various times at The Coast Inn.
Prince Rupert
The club held a potluck polio dinner on World Polio Day which raised several thousand dollars for PolioPlus.
On November 30 Christmas tree sales started -- a community service and significant fundraiser for upwards of 50 years -- for the last time because the tree supplier is going out of business with no alternative available, resulting in a great loss for the community.
Held a Shopping Experience fundraiser for The Rotary Foundation
Held talks with UNBC, CNC, SD28, and Northern Health about a Quesnel Adventures in Healthcare next spring.
Introduced the idea of a 75th Anniversary Project for 2030-31
Prepared our application for a BC Gaming Community Grant
Richmond and Delta Area
The 4 Richmond clubs held a community vaccine clinic Nov 10, run by Pharmacist Dr. Edwin Lee, of RC Tsawwassen, based on that club’s successful model. Proceeds have been donated to End Polio. Initiated by DGN Dean Hsieh.
The club collaborated with RC Richmond Sunset for a Mid-Autumn Festival Potluck, attended by 41 members and guests attended.
A Rotary Global Grant purchased a $35,000 Fundus Camera - detects diabetes-related eye problems – was given to a hospital in Thailand, initiated by DGN Dean Hsieh
On September 21st, the club participated in the Richmond Chinese Community Society (RCCS) Mid-Autumn Festival event at Lansdowne Mall.
Richmond Rotaract
Collaborated with Rotaract Hope 604 to participate in the Richmond Chinese Community Society's Mid-Autumn Festival on September 21st.
Participated for Thanksgiving in the Feed the Kids Foundation Program for local families.
Members participated in Amen’s Humanitarian Project to support communities facing challenges, promoting resilience and recovery, and helped raise $1,000. 
They also volunteered for Street Saviours, a multi-disciplinary team of outreach advocates and first responders to fill gaps for those in crisis in Downtown Vancouver after hours when services are closed.
The club held a Rotaract 101 workshop and started a Toastmasters 8-week communication skills series for Rotaractors as well as Rotarians on November 26th.
Richmond Sunrise
The club sponsored the Lower Mainland Foundation Dinner on November 23rd.
The club restarted the monthly Gilmore Elementary school pancake breakfast program serving up to 200 students.
Held an end of summer start of fall social gathering at Country Vines on September 4th.
Members attended the Pathways Club House dinner gala.
Richmond Sunset
Club membership reached 20.
41 members from RCs Richmond, Richmond Sunset, Dragon and Tsawwassen attended a joint social on September 11.
The club started fundraising for the Rotary Peace Park in Richmond
The club’s 2008 President, eventually District 5050 Governor Linda Coyle passed away.
Installation of the Steveston-London Interact Club President and Board was a dinner with 80 attending as was that, later in the month, of the Hugh Boyd Interact Club with similar attendance.
DG Drew presented awards to the club for 100% Foundation Giving, Every Rotarian Every Year and the Rotary Citation for 2023-24.
After months of preparation the club's annual Winter Wonderland at Richmond City Hall of 30 sponsored, decorated Christmas trees opened on November 30 with a concert, donor reception and lightning ceremony.
The club raised $400 for Christmas food hampers through a Meat Draw at a local pub.
Disaster Aid Canada donated $350,000+ to build 8 rapid fire response trailers to be built by a local manufacturer and donated to 8 BC First Nations volunteer fire departments.
Write to Read, building libraries in First Nation villages, has a new website.
The club participated in the RCMP Toy Drive on November 23rd.
Sunshine Coast
Sunshine Coast Sechelt led and collaborated with the four other Sunshine Coast clubs to hold a Foundation dinner raising $2,900 for TRF.
Installed a plaque "Play me - I'm yours" on the Rotary-installed painted piano in the gazebo at Diefenbaker Park.
Club members managed bike parking area at Barnside Harvest Festival Sep 13 to 15 as a fundraiser.
The club celebrated international Peace Day on September 21 at Rotary water park in a mall at the centre of Tsawwassen.
For Remembrance Day white crosses were installed by Interactors by Long House Art Centre to honour locals lost in wars.
300 Canadian flags on poles installed around Tsawwassen, “rented” by local citizens & businesses for two weeks around Remembrance Day
Installed characters, metal light poles, a sleigh, a huge sign, lights on the many trees and fences in Diefenbaker for the club’s Christmas in the Park.
Vancouver Area 1
Vancouver End Polio Walk on October 24, organized by District Rotaract Chair Ron Suzuki, included members of Vancouver Arbutus, Vancouver Centennial, Vancouver Fraserview and Vancouver Mountainview.
The club implemented an Entrepreneurial Operating System. EOS is a set of simple concepts and practical tools used by companies to clarify, simplify, and achieve their vision through six components: Vision, Data, Process, Traction, Issues and People.
Increased board meetings to biweekly to achieve clear accountability.
The club completed a strategic plan for the next 10 years, including a significant increase in members, foundation assets and grants, members attending meetings and remaining engaged, retention.
Vancouver Cambie
Working with Lions Gate, Arbutus and Richmond clubs on Pets for Santa fundraising.
Vancouver Centennial
Members participated in the Lower Mainland Foundation Dinner. 
Some or organizing a second Interact Club on the Northshore.
Vancouver Mountainview
Members participated in Vancouver End Polio Walk in October and Lower Mainland Foundation Dinner in November.
Vancouver Yaletown
The club donated pumpkins and helped Grade One pupils carve them at the Pumpkin Patch pumpkin carving at Admiral Seymour.
Members volunteered at Aunt Leah's Christmas tree lot. Profits help prevent youth in foster care from becoming homeless, and young mothers from losing custody of their children.
The club invited its Rotary scholarship recipients to do a mini presentation before they were presented with their scholarship cheques.
Distributed socks/warm clothing to lower east side
The Suswa Water and Community Empowerment project, with RC Masai Mara club, in Narok, Kenya, has delivered water filters to schools. 
West Vancouver Sunrise
The club received a District Grant to add to the club’s grant to Bikes for Girls to increase access to girls’ education in remote African villages.
The club held a blood donor clinic and will seek participation of other North Shore clubs for future clinics.
The club has inducted three new members.
West Vancouver
In addition to its monthly sandwiches for those in need in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side, the club held a winter solstice event to raise money for local projects and invited members from other North Shore clubs.
Nine local non-profits, which participated with the club, will receive shares in the $25,000 proceeds from the Cornucopia Coat Check and Silent Auction.
The club donated $2,000 to the Amarok Society which supports mothers in Bangladesh lifting children out of poverty through education of their children and others.
EREY check set to RI Canada
Whistler Millennium
The club donated $1,000 to Writers in School Programs.
Funds were sent to Engaruka Middle School in Tanzania.
Williams Lake
The club completed the community exercise park project.
Selling tickets for 60th Anniversary.
The club presented its cheque for the Books for Babies program.
Williams Lake Daybreak
Completed the Shade Sail project, supported by a District 5040 grant.
Club members provided bartending for the Williams Lake annual Cariboo Chilcotin Hospital Foundation Gala.