Winter coats and boots for kids, a valley trail viewing platform, an off leash dog park, seniors’ outdoor fitness stations, lower income family kids sponsored for summer camp, young musicians to participate in a youth orchestra are the kinds of projects made possible with proceeds from a Rotary fundraising event.
Members of Rotary District 5040 -- the 48 Rotary clubs from Vancouver up the coast to Prince Rupert -- many throughout the Lower Mainland raised net proceeds of $29,000 at a dinner on November 18, 2023. The funds will all go to the The Rotary Foundation, among the highest ranked international foundations over the past 15 years.
After investing the funds to achieve interest towards Rotary’s global operations and grants to support international support and relief over three years, most of the funds come back to District 5040 and become available to clubs applying for grants to provide projects of service to their communities.
Just 10 examples of Rotary District 5040 clubs' projects here in our communities throughout BC and in other countries where there is need, and made possible in part by District and Global Grants from The Rotary Foundation: Optional link to this video.
Based on funds raised at a similar event three years ago, for instance, plus separate donations from District 5040 clubs, grants of up to $10,000 each have gone to 13 service projects, for a total value of almost $75,000 in communities throughout the province, from Prince George, Williams Lake and Powell River to New Westminster, West Vancouver, Richmond and Delta among others.
Photographer Michael Cowhig, of Rotary Club of Vancouver Arbutus, uploaded his images from the event to ACDSee
Rotarians and guests attending the event were invited to take photos and upload them to Dropevent and they can be viewed using this link or with this QR Code: