The aim of this monthly bulletin is to give a community update on activities and achievements of all of us through our clubs in District 5040. At Rotary Clubs of Kitimat, Sechelt and Vancouver we are all in this together. Please let me know how we might make this collection of news briefs and announcements better fit your needs.
In the past month, we celebrated World Polio Day. Our District is a small part of the huge worldwide effort to eradicate polio, led in part by Rotary International. We marked World Polio Day with a walk organized by our Vancouver Rotary clubs, with proclamations by various city halls. Of course, there was the ongoing generous financial support of our members through The Rotary Foundation for End Polio Now.
Rotary International's Council on Resolutions recently voted on resolutions submitted from all over the Rotary world and will make recommendations to the Rotary International Board that it consider some of them. Among those resolutions approved with detail, or rejected, are: a) lowering the minimum number of members a club must have to sponsor a new club from 20 to 15 members; b) conducting Rotary events in a manner that takes global environmental issues into consideration; c) including the vice president of the club among the officers listed in the Official Directory and also providing him/her with the same access to resources and services available to the club president on My Rotary. Thank you to Past District Governor Ken Wilson for representing our District in this process.
As we mark Foundation month in Rotary, our clubs and District are encouraging donations not only to our global causes, but to local ones in our communities with funds which come back to us in the way of District Grants. At the same time, we are celebrating our success with our record-setting, more than $1 million from our District. We are also looking ahead. By contributing funds, and by getting involved in projects that use those funds, we really do make an enormous difference in our communities and the world.
As many of you know, Murray Wood, our Executive Assistant Governor, has encountered a health challenge that has left him unable to perform that role. While he continues to recover, Nancy Eidsvik, our Executive Administrator, has stepped in to help and on an interim basis will handle the Executive Assistant Governor role as well as her own. It will gradually transition back to Murray as he is able to resume more activities.
John Berry
District Governor 2022-23