Spring is a wonderful season for renewal and looking forward, and so it is with Rotary! Rotary everywhere is working for a strong finish to the current year while planning and preparing for the 2023 – 24 Rotary year. Our new leaders, in RI, in District and in our clubs bring a fresh perspective and new ideas. And we blend that with a rich tradition of continuity, especially in our enduring values, as we change and adapt.
We continue to enjoy a return to many of the activities that had been interrupted by COVID. A wonderful example was the RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) event for 15 to 18 year-olds at Camp Elphinstone in late March. 78 students, plus counsellors and facilitators gathered for four stellar days of youth development. Many were Interactors, and that program continues to be a real strength in our District.
The Year Ahead – Rotary Conversations are currently underway and following our recent experience have been available both in-person and virtually. Shirley-Pat Chamberlain, our Governor-Elect, is leading those sessions. They are a great opportunity for us to interact with friends as we learn and discuss what’s ahead in Rotary.
Our District Conference is coming up April 28 to 30. Registration has been strong, and we have been blessed with good sponsor participation. We’re looking forward to another great event!
The District Annual General Meeting will be held May 4, at 7 pm, on-line. Clubs have received formal notification and a package of material; please ask your Rotary Club President, President Elect or Secretary if you’d like to see the package or attend.
John Berry
District 5040 Governor