Dr. Paul Dhillon is a family physician, ER doctor, medical officer in the Armed Forces reserves, author, educator, manager of Canada’s Men’s Medical Soccer Team, husband, father… and Rotarian.
At the District 5040 Conference 2021 on June 4 - 5, Dr. Dhillon will share how the concept of Rotary Family helps him find life balance while he pursues his multiple avenues for Service Above Self. Dr. Dhillon is slated to speak on Saturday, June 5 in this exciting live, virtual event.
Register now the 2021 District Conference for $79/person. The first 300 District 5040 Rotaractors & Rotarians/partners registered will receive the valuable Conference Keepsake Box. Join us!
Dr. Dhillon's journey has taken him to Sierra Leone during the Ebola epidemic to now the frontlines of the Covid pandemic here at home. As part of the B.C. Covid-19 response, Dr. Dhillon was recently Vancouver Coastal Health’s lead Medical Planner for the Vancouver Convention Health Centre, a 271-bed extension of VGH.
Currently working at a medical clinic on the Sunshine Coast and at Sechelt Hospital, Dr. Dhillon credits our late District Governor Dave Hamilton for introducing him to Rotary Family nearly two decades ago.
Photo: Dr. Paul Dhillon with son Darragh.
Read more about Dr. Dhillon, along with a complete list of speakers here at this link.