District 5040 is looking for enthusiastic and dedicated Rotarians to apply for the position of District Governor (DG) for the year 2026-27.
We provide this reminder to clubs, and ask you to identify and encourage a qualified club member to allow their name to be considered for District Governor. While it does take time and commitment, it is an exceptional, inspiring, personally enriching way to serve Rotary, our communities, and the world.
Here is some important information for those who are interested:
Some important dates:
October 7 – Deadline for nominations to be received, at theberrys@shaw.ca
October 21 – Interviews of Nominees by Zoom.
Reference Material
Request for Nominations, detailed information
Sample Resolution Form to record a club resolution nominating a candidate for District Governor
Note: If you are nominating a candidate, both the club resolution and the District Governor nomination form should be forwarded to John Berry at theberrys@shaw.ca by OCTOBER 7.
Thanks for your continued support of Rotary and our District. Our clubs and Rotarians accomplish so much; District service is a wonderful way to support and enhance those club achievements.
John Berry
Immediate Past District Governor and District Nomination Committee Chair
For information on the DG application process please contact PDG John Berry theberrys@shaw.ca or 604 618-2597