The new Dave Hamilton Service Above Self Bursary will make it possible for students to reach for the stars and pursue their dreams after high school. This $1,000 bursary will be available to any high school graduate who is part of the Rotary family in one of our communities served by the 48 Rotary clubs of District 5040, from Greater Vancouver up the coast to Prince Rupert. This Bursary was established by Dave Hamilton, who passed away during his term as District 5040 Governor in 2020-21, and made possible by donations from Dave's home club in Tsawwassen and many Rotarians throughout the District and administered by Tanya Hall of the Sunshine Coast - Sechelt club, with District Governor Shirley-Pat Gale. Applications for the first year of this Bursary are due by May 15, 2024.
Each year, Rotary awards up to 130 fully funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of Rotary’s peace centers. The Rotary Foundation partners with premier universities to offer master's degrees and professional development certificates in disciplines related to peace and development.
This opportunity is available to people living and working in our communities of BC, through our clubs in Rotary District 5040, from Greater Vancouver up the coast to Prince Rupert, and through other clubs and Districts in the province.
Clubs and districts have the power to shape the next generation of peace leaders both by recruiting and recommending peace fellows, and by keeping them engaged during and after their fellowships.
The Write to Read Project BC is an equal partnership between participating Indigenous communities, Rotarians, and volunteers with a range of diverse skills represented on the Write to Read Team. W2R-BC is a literacy equity project started by two friends, former BC Lieutenant Governor Hon. Steven Point and Past District 5040 Governor Bob Blacker, It works with rural and remote Frist Nations communities across British Columbia to build library learning centres.
W2R-BC partnerships bring together people who have an interest in participating in increasing literacy through equitable access to literacy materials for rural, isolated or under-served Indigenous communities. The collaboration creates relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities through shared power, and builds on a foundation of honesty, trust, and equitable respect in the larger pursuit of social justice and reconciliation through truth-telling and action.
The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival March 29 to April 25, 2024 is an annual event that celebrates the cherry blossom season. Sakura Days Japan Fair on April 13 & 14, which is part of the Festival, showcased Japanese food and cultural activities from Japanese food, sake, performances such as the Japanese tea ceremony, taiko drumming, theatre and games. Representatives of Rotary District 5040 participated in the Sakura Days Japan Fair over the two days.
Members of our Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans, Emergency Services Personnel and their families are brave individuals who sacrifice so much on a daily basis to protect our freedom and our everyday way of life. Since 2011 Honour House, in New Westminster, has been a refuge, a “home away from home” for those in service to stay, completely free of charge, when they travel to receive medical care and treatment in the Metro Vancouver area.
Since October 2019 Honour House has been providing service at Honour Ranch 10 kilometres south of Ashcroft, BC. On 120 acres of rolling hills overlooking the South Thompson River, Honour Ranch is a tranquil retreat, a place of education and personal growth. There the participants can discover cutting edge strategies in the treatment of operational stress injuries including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. The goal is to empower these heroes so they are better equipped to navigate the often debilitating emotional and physical stresses of selfless commitment to service. A new Corral & Horse Shelter at the Ranch is made possible through a contribution of $26,268 from the Rotary Club of New Westminster Royal City, including a $6,000 Rotary Foundation District Grant.
Happy Spring!!! As the sun begins to shine and the flowers bloom I hope this message finds all you members well throughout our District.
Congratulations to all the 2023-2024 Presidents for your leadership and inspiration you have provided your clubs. The service and fellowship this has fostered has been such a joy to witness. At this point in our Rotary year - 99 percent of club visits are done BUT I would love to come and attend any spring events, service activities, or even membership or fellowship opportunities as my schedule allows. We have less than three months left in our term together - please please reach out if there is anything I or the D5040 Team can do to support and strengthen your club!!
Achievements and activities of some of our clubs in Rotary District 5040 in February and March 2024.
NOTE: Because of ClubRunner limits on size of posted text the following report is a series of images rather than text to reduce size-- photo courtesy of The Northern View newspaper, Prince Rupert
The hospital at 100 Mile House, BC serves a population of 25,000 who live in town and the surrounding rural communities travel time for patients and families from home to town can take as much as two hours. The community has had an urgent need for a new $115,000 Palliative Care Unit at the hospital. To support the opening of the Palliative Care Unit, the Rotary Club of 100 Mile House has contributed two hospital grade visitor chairs at a cost of $3,561, with $2,374 from the club and $1,187 from The Rotary Foundation through a District Grant.