Similar to a road map a strategic plan guides from one location to a destination. A strategic plan that is based on the club’s common values, rooted in actions that implement a consensus driven plan will guide a club in fulfilling its Mission, achieving its Vision, and realizing its goals.
Clubs that develop and follow a strategic plan, developed by engaged club members, are stronger than clubs that don’t plan. The planning process builds on the club’s strengths, identifies meaningful projects, and provides a forum for new ideas. Accordingly, members are more engaged and view their club and Rotary more positively overall.
Rotary District 5040 has a team of Strategic Planning Facilitators ready to assist Rotary Clubs with the development of their strategic plans or with reviews and updates already in place. The team has developed a unique set of template documents to help streamline the planning process.
District 5040 Strategic Planning Process
The District 5040 Strategic Planning team has tailored the strategic planning process to best fit the needs of the District clubs. Our goal is to enable clubs to quickly arrive at the most effectiove plan. We are very flexible and can accommodate many different approaches to the planning process including meetings via Zoom. We rely on heavy involvement with the Club Executive and with all Club members. Here is an overview of the typical process utilizing Zoom.
- Introduction and Pre planning session (2-3 hours with Club Executive)
- Distribute survey to Club Members
- Summarizer survey/Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) (2-3 hours with Club Executive)
- Session One (1 ½ to 2hrs with Club Members)
- Rreview input to Vision, Mission, and Values
- Start review of Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, time permitting
- Session Two (1 ½ to 2hrs with Club Members)
- Review SWOT to gain consensus on “where we are now”, and member’s input on their passion for Rotary before going forward
- Document Strategic Objectives for club’s Areas of focus
- Have committee chairs and club members document specific action goals
- Session Three (1 ½ to 2hrs with Club Members)
- Complete documentation of specific goals and targets
- Session Four (1 ½ to 2hrs with Club Members)
- as neended to complete the plan
The key to a successful Strategic Plan is the ongoing active review, and reporting of progress towards goals as the year progresses. Celebrate successes and adjust goals to new realities. Make the strategic plan a living, breathing document!
How to get started
Please contact John Bathurst, District Planning Team Chair, for additional information
District 5040 Strategic Planning Roles
To support the Clubs in a successful Strategic Planning Process the key roles involved in this process are outlined. The Key roles are:
Club Leadership: (President, President elect and any other key club officers)
The planning process requires the whole heartedly support of the Club Leadership to engage the membership. The club President/President elect will coordinate with the facilitators for scheduling, communicating with club membership and chairing the sessions.
Lead Facilitator
With club leadership support, Lead Facilitator has overall responsibility for ensuring the Strategic Planning sessions are well planned and scheduled, engage all participants, and that all decisions with respect to goals and actions reflect the consensus of .participants
Scribe Facilitator
The Strategic Planning “Secretary” who records the results of the planning sessions. In addition to the session notes It’s most important to include any deferred items which were placed in the “parking lot” for future discussion. The Scribe Facilitator will work with the Lead Facilitator to produce the draft report to Club leadership.
Zoom Coordinator
The club leadership will recruit a Zoom Coordinator, who will provide the Zoom meeting resources and advise participants accordingly They will monitor the meetings from a technical perspective. monitoring chat room and “hands up” for online questions/comments.
Note: With consultation with the facilitators technologies other than Zoom might be used if it is the club’s preference. Also, if using Zoom a full license account is required.
Survey Coordinator
To facilitate an effective use of time in the planning sessions the District team has arranged for a separate person to oversee the management of a short 8 question member survey. This is a key tool in effectively gaining membership input to form the foundation of the planning session.
Our Team
We have a team of experienced and enthusiastic facilitators who are eager to help your club develop or update your strategic plan.
John Bathurst
Vancouver |
Bala Naidoo | Burnaby Metrotown |
Brian Downie | Terrace |
Danison Buan | Burnaby |
Dean Hseih | Richmond |
Drew Antrobus | Richmond Sunset |
Ed Kwan | Vancouver Sunrise |
Judy Mason | Prince George |
Murray Wood | Whistler |
Nancy Eidsvik | New Westminster |
Peter Roaf (Survey Coordinator) | Ladner |
Do you have facilitated session skills? Are you interested in joining out team? Please contact John Bathurst. for additional information.