PDG Chris Offer (Penny)
District Governor 1999-2000
Chris Offer

Rotary 2000: Act with Consistency, Credibility, Continuity
Chris Offer is a member of the Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown. He was introduced to Rotary as a member of a Group Study Exchange team to India in 1981.
Chris has served Rotary on many District, Zone and Rotary International committees and task forces. He has been a presenter and speaker at national and international Rotary conferences. He led a GSE Team to England in 1993. He served as Governor in 1999-2000. Chris retired from the Vancouver Police after 31 years of police service in a wide variety of assignments. He has a degree in Criminology and a Master's degree in Public Administration. He is the President of the Vancouver Crime Prevention Society. Chris was selected by RI President Jonathan Majiyagbe to chair the Presidential Celebration on Vocational Service held in Richmond in July 2003. In 2007 he was asked by RI President Wilf Wilkinson to chair the Presidential Membership Conference also held in Richmond. Chris was a training leader at the International Assembly for two years. He has been a presenter at four International Conventions, many district conferences and zone events. He has been a speaker at many Rotary events in Canada, USA, England and Turkey. In 2006-07 he was chair of the RI Membership Development and Retention committee. He is a Zone Coordinator for the PolioPlus Partners Task Force and a Rotary Foundation Annual Programs Fund Strategic Adviser. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of The Rotary Foundation - Canada. In July 2008 he starts a three year term as a Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator for Zone 22. Chris has represented RI presidents a number of times at district conferences. He is a recipient of The Rotary Foundation's Citation of Meritorious Service and Rotary International's Service Above Self Award. In 2007 he was honored by The Rotary Foundation with the Service Award for a Polio Free World. Chris and Penny were Rotary Foundation volunteers in Bacolod, Philippines in 2005. They coordinated the shipment of three 40-foot containers of hospital and educational supplies and two containers of wheelchairs. Chris and Penny are major donors to the Rotary Foundation and charter members of the Bequest Society and Paul Harris Society members. Penny is a member of the Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown. She is served for three years as an Assistant Governor for clubs in Vancouver. Penny's professional background is in social work health care administration specializing in spinal cord and brain injury rehabilitation. In 2010-11 Penny will be Governor. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AS DISTRICT 5040 GOVERNOR IN 1999-2000 As Governor Chris brought the Blue Denim Seminar to Vancouver. The seminar is a training session for DGNs, DGEs and DGs from the ten districts that participate in Pacific Northwest PETS. He also submitted a successful bid to host the 2000 Zone 22 Institute and it was held in September 2000 in Richmond. Electronic communications was expanded during the year. The type of information on the web site was increased to include the district directory. He wrote and distributed a bi-weekly one page fax sheet called "Just the Fax" to all club presidents and district leaders to assist with communications between the Governor, clubs and district leaders. The Rotary year 1999-2000, in District 5040 was a success due to team work and commitment by Rotary leaders across the district. . ( Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown. Contact PDG Chris by Email )