PDG Edward D. (Fletch) Fletcher
District Governor (504) 1961-1962
RI Theme "ACT Aim for Action, Communicate for Understanding, Test for Leadership"
Fletch was born in Rangoon, Burma, and came to Canada as a young man in time to serve in the Canadian forces in France in the First World War. For many years he was manager of the Gestetner Company in Vancouver.
ROTARY Fletch joined the Vancouver Club in 1927, was Honorary Secretary in 1936-37, and President in 1944-45. In 1945-46 he served as a member of the Canadian Advisory Committee, and in 1961-62 was Governor of District 504.
In June, 1966, four months before his untimely and sudden passing, he was honored as a life member of the Vancouver Club. As a Rotarian, Fletch is remembered most for his great energy, his integrity, and his outgoing natural friendliness that was warmly contagious to his fellow Rotarians and all he met. The LaConner and Mission Clubs were formed when he was Governor.