PDG John T. King
District Governor (504) 1972-1973
"Lets Take a New Look - and Act"
John was born in Montana and moved with his family to Seattle where he finished his education. He worked for Sears Roebuck for thirty-eight years covering all stages from messenger to store manager; his last assignments being as manager at both Chehalis and Mount Vernon.
In WWII he enlisted as a private and retired as a Captain in the air corps. In 1982 he and his Norwegian bride, Borghild, have been married 45 years. LIFE WITH ROTARY
In 1952 John joined the Rotary Club of Chehalis, serving that club as Secretary, Vice President and President. When he was transferred to Mount Vernon he joined that Rotary Club and was a member there until he took early retirement. On retiring he moved to Edmonds and joined the Rotary Club there; Edmonds then being in District 504. In 1972 no club had made a nomination for District Governor, so the Nominating Committee, after canvassing possibilities, persuaded John to accept the nomination, and he served the district well as Governor. He did feel, however, that the area of the then District was too large to be served by anyone who was not retired, and his recommendation was accepted by Rotary International and the division made.
John writes, "I have enjoyed and appreciated the fellowship in my years in Rotary, and hope to continue in the future".