PDG Reginald (Reg) Thomas Rose
District Governor (504) 1967-1968
"Make your Rotary Membership Effective"
Reg was born in Richmond, Surrey, England, in 1901 and migrated to Canada with his father, mother, brother and sister in 1912. His schooling was interrupted by his enlistment in the Royal Canadian Volunteer Reserve in December, 1916, in which he served until May, 1919.
HIS CAREER After several short time jobs, he joined the YMCA in Calgary in 1923, and for twenty years served that organization there, in Lethbridge and Edmonton as Secretary. He was always a student, and this association opened up the opportunities for continuing education in the humanities. This began what turned out to be a lifetime interest and participation in education; sometimes at post and graduate levels.
In 1943 he became Manager of the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, moving to Vancouver in 1946 to become Executive Secretary of the Vancouver Board of Trade, later its General Manager. From this he retired in 1967. In this work he led several trade groups on overseas missions. ROTARY He joined the Lethbridge Rotary Club in 1934 where he was editor of the TATLER. Then in 1938 he joined the Rotary Club of Edmonton and was its President in 1942-43. As a member of that Club he served on many committees, and was editor of its weekly bulletin "The Blatter".
He joined the Rotary Club of Vancouver in 1946 and served on many of its committees, and as its President in 1957-58. As District Governor his leadership ability was very evident in the services to the district, and this has continued over the years. He has been Conference Chairman, Group Study Exchange Chairman, District Representative to the R.I. Council on Legislation, attended eight International Conventions and club meetings in 23 countries on 5 continents. He led the successful Group Study Exchange team to Japan in 1970, and was primarily responsible for the development and adoption of the District 504 Policy Manual. The Rotary Club of Vancouver made him a Paul Harris Fellow. COMMUNITY SERVICE He has served his country, province and municipalities in innumerable ways, both humble and distinguished as: Industrial Commissioner of Edmonton; initiating the Community Chest and Council there.
In Vancouver, he served on the Industrial Commission, the Rental Review Board and the Auditorium Board. He has been a Director of both the Canadian and American Chamber of Commerce Secretaries Associations. He is now serving as Commissioner of the Centennial Commission of Vancouver, Director of St. Vincent's Hospital and on the B.C. Health Association Board. He is a longtime officer of the Baptist Union of Western Canada, and of "Carey Hall", a theological college on the campus of the University of B.C.. He was convocation founder of Simon Fraser University. His most interesting post-retirement service was representing the Canadian Department of External Affairs as Director of the United Nations Conference "HABITAT 1976" on housing, environment and water held in Vancouver.