Criteria for selecting outbound team
Criteria for selecting Rotary Friendship Exchange Outbound Team
For each exchange, criteria must be set to guide the team selection process, to be used in situations where the number of applications received exceeds the team size agreed with our RFE Partner Team.
Criteria for each exchange may include the following:
- Preference for Rotarians who have not preciously been included in a team.
- Preference to Rotarians who have hosted in bound RFE, GSE, Youth Exchange, or Rotarians genuinely unable to host inbound members, but who have made tangible contributions to the programs by acting as volunteer driver or assisted in managing a visit by an inbound team.
- Preference may be given to individuals who are fluent in the language of the host country
- RFE Committee members are eligible to participate in exchange, but anyone making application to RFE Committee cannot sit on/ or influence the team selection sub-committee.
- The RFE Committee member who has contacted the exchange district and is primarily responsible for coordinating the exchange, will have preference to be team leader for the outbound team. If the individual declines to be an outbound team leader, the team leader shall be selected by the RFE Committee, based on leadership experience, language skills relevant to host country, experience in international travel, etc.
- If insufficient Rotarians apply to participate, non-Rotarian may apply. (Based on 2017-2018 new program)
- Team selection will be made by non-participating RFE Committee members
All applicants must agree to the following requirements:
- Join the team at an agreed rendezvous location and stay for the duration of the exchange
- Participate in group activities, except in case of illness
- Conduct themselves in a harmonious, cooperative manner abiding by decisions of the team, with leader making final decision.
- Complete an evaluation