Posted on May 06, 2022
The Garibaldi Volunteer Fire Department, in the Squamish area, can buy a reconnaissance drone with a thermal imaging camera, to search less accessible places for wildfire assessment, hotspots, and to locate warm bodies, thanks to a $6,000 grant from the Rotary Club of Squamish presented on April 25, 2022 at Black Tusk Village.
-- photo by Michael Kanka

Garibaldi Volunteer Fire Department provides structural fire suppression, wildfire response, vehicle fire response, interface fire assistance, and medical emergency response to a service area which extends from the southern boundary of the Resort Municipality of Whistler southwards along highway 99 to the Ministry of Transportation salt sheds. 
The Fire Department also supports the BC Wildfire Service, Whistler Fire Rescue Service, and Squamish Fire Rescue. The fire hall is located adjacent to the Black Tusk Village and Pine Crest strata developments. The GVFD Society is an active fundraiser for equipment and apparatus purchases, on behalf of the Fire Department.
Brian Finley
Public Relations & Communications 
The Rotary Club of Squamish
Tel: 604-892-0288